Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I'm Alive!
Friday, January 15, 2010
The Long Arm of The...

The past few days and last night have been fairly normal, but this past Wednesday night was a little fun. R and I were watching our Dexter DVD, when at the same time we both saw a huge shadow move along our kitchen cabinets. I didn't say anything but R shouted he saw it and asked if I did and I answered yes. We were both relieved we saw it in the same spot at the same time. Makes us feel like we aren't losing our marbles. We both described this shadow as a huge, long looking arm that waved itself from the bottom of the cabinets to the top of them then disappeared. We scrambled for our camera but nothing showed up in the picture. We looked around to see if anything could have made the shadow but the blinds were closed and no one was in the house at the time but us, plus since it was made between the kitchen light on the ceiling and the cabinets, I would have seen someone standing or moving there from where I was sitting in the next room.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Paranormally Normal
Many unexplainable things have been happening in our home for a number of years. Sounds of dishes crashing in the kitchen in the middle of the night or day when no one is there and upon investigation, nothing is out of place. Objects flying off counters and tables for no reason. Footsteps up and down our hallway and by the front door. Mists appearing. Shadows going along cabinets, walls, ceilings, when there is no movement from anyone. Voices of a woman, and one of a small boy, that sound like they are in the room with you but you are the only one there. But the real kicker is this dark three dimensional form in the shape of a man. We’ve been seeing him off and on for a while but only at night. He appears to be walking from the dining room area in to the front door and into the hallway where the back bedrooms and bathroom are located. And walking the same path in the opposite direction. Now he is appearing in the daytime and with more frequency. Once R saw this male spirit walk right past me and I didn’t see him. We’ve been trying to capture this on video and/or photographs but without any luck. Usually when you are home alone footsteps can be heard walking in the hallway. One such afternoon I heard those footsteps when I was getting out of the shower so I opened the bathroom door and continued to hear them walking back and forth in front of me. I wasn’t scared. I was perplexed. I wanted to deny they were footsteps but I couldn’t find a reasonable explanation to debunk the sound. Before seeing this male spirit I always had the feeling that the footsteps were of a man. Maybe he is finally manifesting himself so we can see him too. Why? I don’t know. I plan do some research on this property to see if it’s history can shed any light on what is happening today. If I find anything interesting, I’ll share it here.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Looking back this past decade has changed me. I’ve been hospitalized three times and two of those times I was told I was dying. Actually dying. One of those times was a staph infection and the other time was from I.T.P. The other hospitalization was when I fell through a glass window. I lost a lot of blood and went into shock because of it. But somehow God granted me the grace and spiritual strength to get through all of those times. I can write in more detail about those times at a later date. Right now I just want to get this blog started as one of my new year’s resolutions. I figure that I can’t afford therapy so might as well try blogging. Writing has always made me feel better but I’ve never taken the time for myself to write daily or often. This year will be different. This year, I have to pay more attention to myself and what will make me a healthier happier person. I will be honest with my feelings and my past experiences no matter how strange, odd, or crazy they may sound. So Happy New Year everyone! May this year bring you all blessings, joy, good health, prosperity, wisdom, discernment, patience, faith, hope, love, compassion, emotional/spiritual strength, friendships, understanding, and the truth of everything in this world, and the courage to stand up for the truth and justice.
Peace to all, Susan